WS 19/20: Advanced Statistical Physics
The lecture is jointly given by Prof. Johannes Knolle (Theory of Quantum Matter) and Prof. Ulrich Gerland (Physics of Complex Biosystems)
(from 15.10 to 08.02)
- Tuesday 8:00 - 10:00 PH 1121 (Minkowski Raum)
- Friday 10:00 - 12:00 PH 1121 (Minkowski Raum)
To facilitate the planning of the lecture please register in the TUM-Online-Portal for the Lecture
No lecture on:
- tbd
Tutors: Tobias Göppel, Zara Gough
- Wednesday 16:00-18:00 PH 3343
- At 23.10.2019 shifted to C.3201, Tutorraum (5140.01.201)
- Thursday 16:00-18:00 PH 1121
Please note that depending on the number of participants only one tutorial might take place
Preliminary Content
- Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena
- Landau-Ginzburg Theory
- Renormalization Group (Basics)
- Irreversible Processes and Non-Equilibrium Phenomena
- Pattern Formation
See also the module description
Familiarity with the basic concepts of statistical physics (approximately on the level of PH0008) is required.
- Michel LeBellac, Fabrice Mortessagne, G. George Batrouni: Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium Statistical Thermodynamics (Cambridge University Press)
- Mehran Kardar: Statistical Physics of Particles (Cambridge University Press)
- Mehran Kardar: Statistical Physics of Fields (Cambridge University Press)
- Sybren Ruurds de Groot, Peter Mazur: Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics (Dover Books on Physics)
- Simulating Physics with Computers (Feynman)
- Cellular Automata Matlab Program
- Cellular Automta as Models of Complexity (Wolfram, Nature)
- Universality and Complexity in Cellular Automata (Wolfram, Physica D)
- More Is Different (Anderson, Science)
- Chaos and Diffusion in Deterministic Cellular Automata (Grassberger, Physica D)
- Cellular Automata Slides
- further literature will be announced during the lecture
- In a written exam of 90 minutes the learning outcome is tested using comprehension questions and sample problems.
- In accordance with §12 (8) APSO the exam can be done as an oral exam. In this case the time duration is 45 minutes.
- Register for the exam until tbd in TUM-Online. The appointment shown there is just a dummy-appointment - please contact Prof. Gerland for an individual appointment.
Exercises and Bonus
Every week a problem set containing problems to be solved as homework is published on this website. The problems will be discussed and solved during the tutorial sessions. Beforehand, they are to be solved at home prior to the tutorial and handed in in the following week. They will then be corrected and marked by the tutor and handed back to you. Please write your name and your matriculation number on top of your homework. Further, please make sure that the sheets you hand in are thoroughly attached together. The homework can be handed in in the boxes in the cabinet between room 3218 and 3216.
There will be the possibility to obtain a bonus. It is subject to the following conditions:
- For at least 50% of the homework problems a resonable attempt to solve the question has to be made.
- A question counts as resonable attempted if your handed in homework shows that you made a substantial effort to solve the problem by using the theory presented in the lecture.
- The decision if a homework problem is resonable attempted is made by the corrector of the homework.
- You have to keep the returned homeworks and show them on demand.
- You have to present 2 problems on the board during the tutorials per semester
Fulfilling these conditions at the end of the semester has the following consequences:
- The grade of a passed exam is improved by one step in the grading scale (0.3 or 0.4 respectively), e.g. a grade of 2.0 in the exam will be improved to 1.7, a grade of 1.7 to 1.3.
- A grade of 1.0 can not be improved.
- A grade on a failed exam can not be improved.
- The bonus is applicable to the exam period directly following the lecture period
Alle course material can be found on the moodle of the course (you need to register in TUM-Online for the course to access it)