G-NMR School, 13.10.-15.10.2014
Helmholtz-Zentrum München
Ingolstädter Landstr. 1
85764 Neuherberg
Grosser Hörsaal
Raum 106 (Building 33)
From Oct 13 to Oct 15 2014, the 1st G-NMR school will be held at the Helmholtz-Zentrum in Neuherberg. It is the aim of the course to familiarize PhD students and postdocs with the NMR knowledge base and state-of-the-art experimental approaches. The course addresses scientists who focus on biomolecular NMR spectroscopy. A basic understanding of NMR is required in order to be able to follow the lectures. The school will start on Oct 13 (Monday), 9 am, and close on Oct 15 (Wednesday), 8 pm, after dinner.
Topics include all aspects of biomacromolecular NMR spectroscopy covering both solution- and solid-state NMR methodology. It will be the aim of the course to provide the theoretical fundamentals of NMR spectroscopy, as well as implementation and analysis of multi-dimensional experiments for protein assignment and structure determination. We will cover TROSY, RDC, relaxation dispersion and paramagentic relaxation enhancements (PRE) experiments, strategies to analyze and quantify ligand binding, and modelling of protein structures employing NMR restraints. At the same time, also the practical aspects of pulse sequence programming, processing and data anlysis will be teached in exercise sessions.
Attendance of the school is free of charge. For organisatorial purposes, every participant has to register by sending an email to:
In your email, please use as subject "Registration for G-NMR School". Registration deadline is 01 Sept 2014. In addition, please indicate the following in the body of the email:
Your Name:
Name of Advisor:
Title of Project:
The following lecturers have agreed to give presentations:
- Johanna Becker, Universität Frankfurt
- Monika Beerbaum, FMP Berlin
- Wolfgang Bermel, Bruker Biospin Rheinstetten
- Teresa Carlomagno, EMBL Heidelberg / Universität Hannover
- Gerd Gemmecker, TU München
- Steffen Glaser, TU München
- Christian Griesinger, MPI Göttingen
- Adam Lange, FMP Berlin
- Donghan Lee, MPI Göttingen
- Tobias Madl, TU München
- Michael Nilges, Institute Pasteur Paris
- Philipp Neudecker, FZ Jülich / HHU Düsseldorf
- Hartmut Oschkinat, FMP Berlin
- Bernd Reif, TU München
- Christian Richter, Universität Frankfurt
- Michael Sattler, TU München
- Peter Schmieder, FMP Berlin
- Harald Schwalbe, Universität Frankfurt
- Remco Sprangers, MPI Tübingen
- Markus Zweckstetter, MPI Göttingen / Universität Göttingen
A detailed program can be downloaded via this link.
How-To-Get There
Directions to the Helmholtz-Zentrum Neuherberg are found under
Every participant has to book accomodation for himself. We recommend the following hotels which are moderately priced and easy to reach by public transport:
Ibis Budget Garching Hochbrück
Ibis Hotel Garching Hochbrück
Hotel Ludwig II
Hotel Am Park