Wintersemester 2020/21
Vorlesung: Bioorganische Chemie
The lecture "bioorganic chemistry" will be digital this winter term. You find all course material including the lecture videos via moodle.
As the lecture implements recent topics, the most recent course material will be updloaded each week. Please find previous course material below as orientation.
Das Passwort für die Folien wird in der Vorlesung bekanntgegeben.
Frontiers in Chemical Biology :: Seminar / Journal-Club
The seminar is intended for students wishing to broaden their understanding of research in the field of chemical biology / biological chemistry. Selected publications covering major aspects in the field such as activity-based protein profiling, natural products, DNA damage, unnatural amino acids, phosphoproteomics, ligand-protein interactions, post-translational modifications and the like will be presented and actively discussed by the students. This journal club aims at enabling the participants to read, understand and critically evaluate scientific publications. The syllabus will complement the course "bioorganic chemistry" given by Prof. Dr. Sieber and will feature examples of the concepts presented therein. The seminar will partly be given in English. Successful participants will be awarded 2 ECTS (1 SWS).
Prerequisites: An advanced knowledge of organic chemistry and biochemistry, equivalent to at least 2 years of study, is essential. Attendance of the lecture course ‘bioorganic chemistry’ is recommended.
Grading: Grades will be determined by an oral exam in German or in English which will be scheduled by arrangement or at the end of the teaching period.
Date and Room:
Teaching staff:
Prof. Dr. Stephan A. Sieber
Literature: Relevant publications will be specified in the first meeting. For a basic understanding of biological chemistry, the following book is recommended: Herbert Waldmann and Petra Janning (Editors): Chemical Biology: Learning through Case Studies, Wiley-VCH, 2009, ISBN: 978-3-527-32330-2, 39.90 Euro.