Optimal Control Workshop

Date: October 13-14, 2022


Technical University Munich
Institute of Advanced Studies
Lichtenbergstraße 2 a
85748 Garching

Program Oct 13

Time Speaker Title
14:00 Bernd Reif,
Zdenek Tosner
Welcome and Introduction
14:15 Jan Blahut,
Mattias Brandl
Overview of developments in Prague and Munich
15:00 Johanna Baldus
University of Frankfurt
Optimal control pulses for the NC transfer in membrane protein solid-state NMR
15:30 Rasmus Linser
University of Dortmund
Higher-dimensionality solid-state NMR for facilitated resonance assignment and elucidation of protein dynamics
16:00   Coffee Break
16:45 llya Kuprov
University of Southampton
Dealing with instrument response functions within GRAPE framework
17:15 Jan Stanek
University of Warsaw
Transverse Magnetic Field Inhomogeneity and its Consequences for Performance of Protein Triple Resonance Correlation Experiments Under fast MAS
17:45 Piotr Klukowski
ETH Zurich
ARTINA: deep learning-based approach to fully automated chemical shift assignment and protein structure determination
18:15 Matthias Ernst
ETH Zurich
A continuous approach to Floquet theory for pulse-sequence optimization in solid-state NMR
19:15   Dinner and Discussion in the Faculty Club

Program Oct 14

Time Speaker Title
09:00 Andrew Pell
University of Lyon
Broadband solid-state NMR of paramagnetic materials
09:30 Guido Pintacuda
University of Lyon
Biomolecular MAS NMR: three good reasons for spinning faster
10:00 Armin Purea
Bruker Biospin
MAS probes
10:30 Niels Christian Nielsen
University of Aarhus
Single-spin vector and exact effective Hamiltonian theory based design of optimal experiments in magnetic resonance
11:00   Coffee Break
11:45 Paul Schanda
Institute of Science and Technology Austria
Protein dynamics in large assemblies: from local side chain motions to functional large-scale mobility
12:15 Loren Andreas
MPI Göttingen
Pulse sequences for ultrafast MAS and proton detection applied to membrane proteins and membrane-assosicated proteins
12:45 Steffen Glaser
TU München
Optimal control of spin dynamics: Analytical and numerical approaches
13:15   Closing Remarks and Farewell