CV Prof. Dr. Franz Hagn
Personal data
born July 30, 1977
Nationality german
married, three kids
Oct 2009 Dr. rer. nat. Technische Universität München, Germany
Aug 2003 Diploma in Biochemistry, Universität Bayreuth, Germany
1998-2003 Study of Biochemistry, Universität Bayreuth, Germany and Stockholm University, Sweden
Professional Experience
since 10/2020 Associate Professor, Department of Bioscience, TUM School of Natural Sciences
since 10/2020 Group leader "Membrane Protein NMR", Institute of Structural Biology, Helmholtz Munich
10/2015-09/2020 Helmholtz Young Investigator's group leader, Institute of Structural Biology, Helmholtz Munich
10/2014-09/2020 Rudolf-Mössbauer Assistant Professor at TUM-IAS and the Department of Chemistry at TUM
01/2013-09/2014 Hans-Fischer fellow, Institute for Advanced Study, Technische Universität München, Germany
07/2010-09/2014 Postdoctoral research associate, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA
11/2009-06/2010 Postdoctoral research associate, Technische Universität München, Germany
01/2004-10/2009 Doctoral research, Technische Universität München, Germany (grade: summa cum laude)
08/2003-11/2003 Intern, Aventis Pharma Germany GmbH, Frankfurt am Main
10/2002-07/2003 Diploma thesis, Lab for Biochemistry, Universität Bayreuth, Germany
Honors and Awards
08/2019 Felix-Bloch-Lecture of the Magnetic Resonance Division of the GdCh
01/2013-09/2014 Hans-Fischer Junior Fellowship, Institute for Advanced Study, TU München
12/2012 Arnold-Sommerfeld Award of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences
11/2011 Hans-Fischer Award 2011, Department Chemie, TU München
10/2011 Friedrich-Weygand Award 2011 of the Max-Bergmann Kreis for peptide chemistry
08/2011-10/2014 Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP) long-term fellowship
07/2010-08/2011 EMBO long-term fellowship
06/2010 Talk at the Nobel-Laureates’ Meeting, Lindau, Germany
Helmholtz Society, Helmholtz Zentrum München, TUM, DFG SFB1035, DFG, CIPSM Excellence Cluster, European Commission