Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Friedrich Simmel
Technische Universität München
Lehrstuhl für Physik Synthetischer Biosysteme (Prof. Simmel)
Am Coulombwall 4a
85748 Garching b. München
- Tel.: +49 (89) 289 - 11611
- Fax: +49 (89) 289 - 11612
- Raum: 5115.02.016
Scientific career
1999 | PhD, Experimental Physics, LMU München |
2000 - 2002 | Postdoctoral researcher at Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ, USA |
2002 - 2007 | Emmy Noether group leader at the Department of Physics, LMU München |
2005 | Habilitation, Experimental Physics, LMU München |
2005 - 2006 | Substitute professor (W2) for Physical Chemistry, LMU München |
2006 - 2007 | Senior lecturer at the Department of Physics, LMU München |
2007 - today | Full professor (W3) for Experimental Physics, TU München |
2010 - 2019 | co-Coordinator of the Cluster of Excellence Nanosystems Intiative Munich |
Awards & Memberships
2006 | Human frontier science program (HFSP) young investigator award |
2009 | Vice President of the International Society of Nanoscale Science, Computation and Engineering (ISNSCE) |
2010 | President of the International Society of Nanoscale Science, Computation and Engineering (ISNSCE) |
2013 | Elected Member of the National Academy of Science and Technology (acatech) |
2016 | ERC Advanced Grant |
2016 | Rozenberg Tulip Award in DNA Computing |
Most important scientific publications
see also;
A.-K. Pumm, W. Engelen, E. Kopperger, J. Isensee, M. Vogt, V. Kozina, M. Kube, M. N. Honemann, E. Bertosin, M. Langecker, R. Golestanian#, F. C. Simmel#, H. Dietz#, A DNA origami rotary ratchet motor, Nature 607, 492–498 (2022).
A. Aghebat Rafat*, S. Sagredo*, M. Thalhammer & F. C. Simmel, Barcoded DNA origami structures for multiplexed optimization and enrichment of DNA-based protein-binding cavities, Nature Chemistry 12, 852-859 (2020).
L. Oesinghaus, F. C. Simmel, Switching the activity of Cas12a using guide RNA strand displacement circuits, Nature Communications 10, 2092 (2019).
A. Dupin, F. C. Simmel, Signalling and differentiation in emulsion-based multi-compartmentalized in vitro gene circuits, Nature Chemistry 11, 32–39 (2019).
J. Chao, J. Wang, F. Wang, X. Ouyang, E. Kopperger, H. Liu, Q. Li, J. Shi, L. Wang, J. Hu, L. Wang, W. Huang, F. C. Simmel, C. Fan, Solving mazes with single-molecule DNA navigators, Nature Materials 18, 273-279 (2019).
L. Aufinger, F. C. Simmel, Artificial Gel-based Organelles for Spatial Organization of Cell-free Gene Expression Reactions, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 57, 17245-17248 (2018).
K. Vogele, T. Frank, L. Gasser, M. A. Goetzfried, M. W. Hackl, S. A. Sieber, F. C. Simmel, and Tobias Pirzer, Towards synthetic cells using peptide-based reaction compartments, Nature Communications 9, 3862:1–7 (2018).
E. Kopperger, J. List, S. Madhira, F. Rothfischer, D. C. Lamb, and F. C. Simmel, A self-assembled nanoscale robotic arm controlled by electric fields, Science 359, 296–301 (2018).
G. Pardatscher, D. Bracha, O. Vonshak, S. S. Daube, F. C. Simmel, R. H. Bar-Ziv, DNA condensation in one dimension, Nature Nanotechnology 11,1076–1081 (2016).
M. Weitz, J. Kim, K. Kapsner, E. Winfree, E. Franco, F. C. Simmel, Diversity in the dynamical behaviour of a compartmentalized programmable biochemical oscillator, Nature Chemistry 6, 295-302 (2014).
M. Langecker, V. Arnaut, T. G. Martin, J.List, S. Renner, M. Mayer, H. Dietz, F. C. Simmel, Synthetic lipid membrane channels formed by designed DNA nanostructures, Science 338, 932-936 (2012).
A. Kuzyk, R. Schreiber, Z. Fan, A. Högele, F. C. Simmel, A. Govorov, T. Liedl, Chiral Plasmonic Nanostructures Self-assembled by DNA Origami Show Strong Circular Dichroism in the Visible, Nature 483, 311-314 (2012).
E. Franco, E. Friedrichs, J. Kim, R. Jungmann, R. Murray, E. Winfree, F. C. Simmel, Timing molecular production and motion with a synthetic transcriptional clock, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 108, E784-E793 (2011).
R. Jungmann, C. Steinhauer, M. Scheible, A. Kuzyk, P. Tinnefeld, F. C. Simmel,Single-molecule kinetics and super-resolution microscopy by fluorescence imaging of transient binding on DNA origami, Nano Letters 10, 4756-4761 (2010).
C. Steinhauer, R. Jungmann, T. Sobey, F. C. Simmel, P. Tinnefeld, DNA Origami as a Nanoscopic Ruler for Super-Resolution Microscopy, Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed. 48, 8870-8873(2009).
W. U. Dittmer, A. Reuter and F. C. Simmel, A DNA-based machine that can cyclically bind and release thrombin, Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed. 43, 3550-3553 (2004).
A. J. Turberfield, J. C. Mitchell, B. Yurke, A. P. Mills Jr., M. I. Blakey and F. C. Simmel, DNA fuel for free-running nanomachines, Physical Review Letters 90, 118102 (2003).
B. Yurke, A. J. Turberfield, A. P. Mills Jr, F. C. Simmel and J. L. Neumann,
A DNA-fuelled molecular machine made of DNA, Nature 406, 605-608 (2000).