Upcoming Dates

01.-03.09.2024 Prof. Strittmatter will present a keynote at the 9th Lipidomics Forum in Borstel
09.-12.09.2024 Prof. Strittmatter will present a keynote at the 2nd Annual Conference on Mass Spectrometry Imaging and Integrated Techniques in Münster
25.-26.09.2024 Prof. Strittmatter will present at the annual meeting of the German Society for Metabolomcis (DGMet) in Rauischholzhausen
07.-08.10.2024 Save the date: The Munich Metabolomics Meeting is coming to you again! Location will be the LMU Klinikum Großhadern! We will again organise a two day event with workshops and everything metabolomics going on in Munich and beyond!
12.-13.12.2024 Prof. Strittmatter will present on spatial metabolomics at the inaugural meeting of the European Society for Spatial Biology

Past News

26.07.2024 | ESSB Inaugural Conference

Join us at the Inaugural Meeting of the European Society for Spatial Biology to discuss everything spanning spatial metabolomics to spatial transcriptomics and genomics! Prof Strittmatter will give an invited lecture on spatial metabolomics and we hope to see many other participants of the mass spectrometry imaging community! Early Bird registration closes at the end of July.

18.06.2024 | GDCh Lecture in Gießen

Prof. Strittmatter visited her alma mater, the Justus-Liebig University in Gießen, to give a talk at the GDCh Kolloquium. It was a great and a bit nostalgic exprience to find out how the campus has changed and see new and known faces. Thanks to Prof. Dr. Bernhard Spengler for the invitation and Dr. Bernd Commerscheid for a private tour of the Liebig Museum! Make sure to visit if you ever get to Gießen and are interested in the origins of modern chemistry! 

19.04.2024 | Postdoc Networking Event - RWTH Aachen

Professor Strittmatter shared her experiences on her change from pharmaceutical industry back into academia with a group of postdocs at the Postdoc Networking Event at the RWTH Aachen on Career Transitions. She was joined by two great co-panelists from industry and academia, Prof. Yang Shi and Dr. Hugo Brasselet. Thanks to Ruth Wirz for zhe invitation and a well organised event with many many questions! 

11.04.2024 | Analytica

Thanks for everyone who joined us at Analytica this year! It was a great few days of amazing trade fair and conference sessions! Prof. Strittmatttr and Prof. Sven Heiles co-organised the Analytics in Spatial Biology Session. Thanks to all the speakers who agreed to join us for sessions focussed on spatial metabolomics, spatial proteomics and spatial transcriptomics/genomics. Special thanks to those who travelled from far, such as Prof. Per Andren and Prof. Ingela Lanekoff from Uppsala University and Prof. Jeffrey Spraggins from Vanderbilt University.

The members on our group also presented some great posters on their ongoing projects! 

Photos from left to right: Min Qui, Prisca Weider (MSc student), Daniel Heffernan, Dr. Lieby Zborovsky, Mihyun Park and Wei Chen. 

26.03.2024 | Free tickets for Analytica

If you are interested in Analytical Science and Developments the Analytica might be a place for you to visit. It's held in the last week before the semester starts and is a combination of trade fair and science conference. If you are interested in imaging, I can especially recommend the Spatial Biology Sessions on Thursday, 11.04.2024.

You can get free tickets at many exhibitors, such as Eppendorf and Agilent

14.03.2024 | Dr. Zborovsky presenting at EMIM

Dr. Lieby Zborovksy gave a great talk at the Imaging of Infection session at the annual Meeting of the European Society for Molecular Imaging. Her talk focussed on the metabolic changes happening during H. pylori infection, a project we are collaborating on with colleagues at the Klinikum rechts der Isar (Raquel Mejias-Luque, Markus Gerhard), a project mass spectrometry imaging and multimodal imaging is perfectly suited to investigate. Stay tuned for more! 

13.03.2024 | Plenary talk at DGMS

Today Prof. Strittmatter had the opportunity to present our research at the annual meeting of the German Society for Mass Spectrometry which was held in Freising, Germany and organised by our colleagues at the TUM School of Life Sciences and the Bavarian Center for Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry (BayBioMS). We enjoyed a great and interactive conference on all things mass spectrometry and it was a unique opportunity to meet the German Mass Spectrometry Community and meet old and new friends. Prof. Strittmatter presented on our novel approach to detect bacteria using smoll molecular markers detectable using mass spectrometry and their application on different complex specimen such as environmental biofilms, tissues and feces. You can read more about this in our preprint (DOI: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-3958736/v1)! 

07.03.2024 | SICRIT Universe Experience Webinar

Prof. Strittmatter gave a webinar at the SICRIT Universe Experience Day organised by Plasmion (Augsburg). SICRIT is a low-temperature plasma-based ion source that enables direct analysis of volatile sample fractions. We love it for it's versatiliy and ease of use. You can find a recording of the webinar (30mins) on the Plasmion homepage or by following this link

23.02.2024 | Presentation at HNC Meeting

Prof. Strittmatter was presenting our research on 3D-organotypic Co-Culture models to study tumour-stroma interactions using mass spectrometry imaging at the Meeting on Experimental and Translational Research in Head and Neck Cancer at the Technical University Munich. 

20.02.24 | New Preprint is out

We have just uploaded a preprint of collaborative work with Dr. James McKenzie (Imperial College London). Here, we propose a novel method to detect bacteria dicrectly in complex samples using small molecular, bacterial biomarkers. We show that these can be detected directly in complex matrices such as faeces and tissues in an MS method agnostic fashion. We believe this method has the potential to revolutionise clinical diagnostics and enable a wide range of researchers to detect bacteria in an untargeted way using their standard MS (imaging) instrumentation. This work was led by PhD student Wei Chen, with help from colleague Min Qiu. We hope to see this peer-reviewed and published in a manuscript soon!

07.02.2024 | Wordcloud of our research

And this is our wordcloud, created from titles of previous publications! Created using this link (minimum word count 3). This shows a strong technology focus on in situ MS methods, especially imaging mass spectrometry.

12.12.2023 | Merry Christmas

From left to right: Ayla Schüler (NB), Lilian Sandoni (BC), Mihyun Park, Frederik Oleinek (BC), Dr. Lieby Zborovsky, Marco Klein (NB), Barbara Matic (CH), Min Qiu, Iryna Vozniak (CH), Wei Chen, Prof. Strittmatter, Lisa Scröder (BC), Prisca Weider (CH, MSc student with us in 2024) and Daniel Heffernan. Photo by Paula Deuter (BC).

We had lots of fun at our lab Christmas party, this year organised by Daniel Heffernan! Keeping with our tradition, we have again invited all students that stayed with us during the year 2023 and those we know will visit in 2024 for some informal mingling, christmassy food and drink, and a Christmas quiz! We want to use the occasion to again thank everyone for their contributions on the day (bringing delicious food) and in the lab, past and to come! 

26.10.2023 | Multimodal Imaging Workshop

Prof. Strittmatter had the pleasure to talk along a great lineup at the GBM Workshop on Multimodal Imaging at the Institute for Analytical Sciences (isas) in Dortmund. Thanks to the organiser Sven Heiles for the invitation! 

23.10.2023 | Plenary at 4th Poznan Conference

Prof. Strittmatter had the pleasure to give one of three plenary talks at the 4th Poznan Meeting on Modern pharmaceutical and biomedical analytics in health care on the use of mass spectrometry imaging in multimodal imaging workflows to study drug disposition and resistance.

13.10.2023 | Munich Metabolomics Meeting

The Munich Metabolomics Meeting again was a full success! We had more than 200 registrations, a great workshop on LC-MS data analysis and lots of scientific exchange! Now it is time to start planning next year's meeting. As in the past it will likely take place during the last week before the new winter semester. Thanks again to all our sponsors who helped making this event free to attend, encouraging especially students to take part. 

The organisers: Dr Karin Kleigrewe (TUM), Dr Michael Witting (Helmholtz Munich), Jeannie Horak (LMU) and Prof Nicole Strittmatter (TUM)

05.10.23 | Review published in TrAC

Mihyun Park (shared PhD student with Prof Angela Casini, Chair for Medicinal and Bioinorganic Chemistry) has published a review titled "Seeing the invisible: Preparative strategies to visualise elusive molecules using mass spectrometry imaging" in Trends in Analytical Chemistry. You can find it using this link. It gives a great overview over options to make biomolecules amenable to mass spectrometry imaging analysis. 

30.06.2023 | First research paper published

We are increadibly proud that the first research paper to come out of our research group has been published in Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry under the collection on Young Investigators in (Bio-) Analytical Chemistry 2023. You can read it here: Screening of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from liquid fungal cultures using ambient mass spectrometry | SpringerLink 

Shout out to my PhD student Daniel Heffernan and Melania Pilz (PhD student of Prof. Dr. Thomas Brück, Department of Chemistry, TUM) for this successful project and also to Marco Klein, a BSc student who was performing some of the work in this publication and kickstarted this project! 

28.06.2023 | DFG research unit receives funding

We are super excited to receive our first DFG funding as part of the FOR5560 research unit "Crosstalk between B cell signaling and metabolism" (speaker: Prof. Dr. Julia Jellusova, Professorship for immune signalling at the TranslaTUM). You can read the news item here. We have a project together with Prof. Dr. Jürgen Ruland (Institute for Clinical Chemistry and Pathobiochemistry, TUM School of Medicine) to study the effect of the MALT1 signaling network in B cell metabolism and function. The project is expected to start later this summer. 

27.04.2023 | iGEM Girls Day

Prof. Strittmatter and Mihyun Park were presenting to pupils interested in a career in science. Thanks to the organisers for inviting us to participate in such a great initiative! 

The International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) Foundation is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to education and competition, the advancement of synthetic biology, and the development of an open community and collaboration. It is primarily made up of university students and best known for its annual iGEM Competition. 

19.04.2023 | TUM4Kids

Parents and students alike, check out this new initiative by TUM Chancengleichheit! It's a portal to connect parents at TUM with potential babysitters. As a mother of two small children myself I know how valuable this service is, so do sign up if you think this would be for you! 

Link: TUM4Kids - TUM Chancengleichheit

12.04.2023 | GDCh Fachgruppenpreis for Prof. Strittmatter

Prof. Strittmatter was awarded the GDCh Fachgruppenpreis Analytische Chemie at the ANAKON 2023 conference in beautiful Vienna. With this price, the GDCh acknowledges outstanding and independent achievements of young investigators in the area of analytical chemistry. 

03.04.2023 | New visiting students starting

Today, 3 visiting students are starting their projects with us! Nandini Sagar (Biochemistry) will stay with us for 4 weeks to work with Mihyun on staining procedures for our novel mass tags, and Barabara Matic (Chemistry) and Huda Abdel Karim (Chemical Engineering) are starting their BSc thesis projects on spatial metabolomics and drug visualisation under the supervision of Dr. Lieby Zborovsky. Wellcome everyone :) 

03.04.2023 | New PhD student starting

Today was the first day of our newest PhD student Wei Chen. Wellcome! Chen studied chemistry at TUM and did her MSc thesis with Prof. Elsner and Dr. Bakkhour at the Chair of Analytical Chemistry and Waterchemistry. Chen will work on the characterisation of the MALT1 signaling network in B cell metabolism and function! We are glad to have you!

14.-17.03.2023 | EMIM conference, Salzburg

Mihyun Park, Dr. Lieby Zborovsky and Prof. Strittmatter went to attend the 18th European Molecular Imaging Meeting in beautiful Salzburg, Austria. Congrats to Lieby and Mihyun for their great poster presentations! We would like to thank everyone who attended and presented in the MSI study group session and co-chairs Dr. Tina Angerer (Uppsala University) and Dr. Alan Race (AstraZeneca). We also want to highlight our collaborators Dr. Irina Heid (TUM), who presented some exciting MSI results that Mihyun recorded on her murine PDAC specimen and Martin Grashei (AG Schilling, TUM) who presented some of our MSI data on visualisation of their novel MRS pH sensor Z-OMPD! 

Images from left to right: MSI study group chairs, Dr Lieby Zborovsky presenting her poster, Dr Irina Heid presenting at the MSI study group session, Mihyun Park presenting her poster

06.03.2023 | Announcement

Be invited to attend Prof. Strittmatter's Lecture as part of the monthly TranslaTUM seminar series. 

14.02.2023 | Announcement

The next Munich Metabolomics Meeting has been scheduled! Save the date and watch out for more information!

08.02.2023 | New PhD student starting

Welcome to our new Ph.D. student Min Qiu, who has won a CSC Scholarship to be with us and will work on the spatial metabolic heterogeneity of biofilms!

07.02.2023 | Inaugural Lecture

Inaugural Lecture of Prof. Strittmatter as part of the MChG seminar series.

Thanks everyone for coming to celebrate with us, Dr Alexander Pöthig for taking some photos and especially to the AK Strittmatter for the flowers! :) 

14.12.2022 | Merry Christmas

We would like to wish all our colleagues, friends and fellow scientists a Merry Christmas and an amazing start into an even more amazing Year 2023!

14.12.2022 | Christmas Party

From left to right: Mihyun Park, Daniel Heffernan, Dr Lieby Zborovsky, Iryna Vozniak, Prisca Weider, Prof. Strittmatter, Nina Weidlein, Norbert Kreisz, Marco Klein (missing: Daniela Witt).

We have had our group Christmas party last week with everyone who has joined our lab permanently and temporarily this year, as PhD students, BSc and MSc thesis students or MSc student for lab rotations and internships. We want to thank everyone for their efforts and collegiality this year and kicking off this group to a good and strong start! 


Norbert Kreisz is starting his MSc project with us today! He will develop screening methodologies for lipopolypeptides using mass spectrometry. Welcome!


Iryna Vozniak and Marco Klein successfully finished their BSc projects! Congratulations!


Come and join us at the Munich Metabolomics Meeting!


Postdoc Lieby Zborovsky has joined our group! Her main focus will be imaging mass spectrometry of tissue specimen to study disease.


Prof. Nicole Strittmatter gave a webinar as part of the Fluidigm – Scientist in the Spotlight Series about multimodal imaging workflows to understand drug delivery. 

Click here to watch the recording.


Ph.D. students Mihyun Park and Daniel Heffernan had their first day today! We are now officially a group!