Dr. Ibrahim Mohd
Dr. rer. nat. Ibrahim Mohd
Technische Universität München
Lehrstuhl für Theoretische Biophysik - Molekulardynamik (Prof. Zacharias)
Ernst-Otto-Fischer-Str. 8
85748 Garching b. München
- Tel.: +49 (89) 289 - 51612
- Fax: +49 (89) 289 - 12444
- Raum: 5415.EG.040 Homepage: https://www.groups.ph.tum.de/t38/home/
- ibrahim.mohd@tum.de
Research Interests
- Protein-protein interactions
- Protein-ligand interactions
- Free-energy methods
Year | Authors, Title, Journal |
2023 | Mohd, I., Gilbert, J., Heinz, M., Nylander, T., Schwierz, N. Structural insights on ionizable Dlin-MC3-DMA lipids in DOPC layers by combining accurate atomistic force fields, molecular dynamics simulations and neutron reflectivity Nanoscale, 2023, 15, 11647-11656 |
2023 | Mohd, I., Wenzel, Ch., Lallemang, M., Bizan N. Balzer, Schwierz, N. Adsorbing DNA to Mica by Cations:Influenceof Valencyand Ion Type Langmuir 2023, 39, 44, 15553–15562 |
2023 | Grava, M., Mohd, I., Sudarsan, A., Pusterla, J., Philipp, J., Rädler, J.O., Schwierz, N., Schneck, E. Combining molecular dynamics simulations and x-ray scattering techniques for the accurate treatment of protonation degree and packing of ionizable lipids in monolayers J. Chem. Phys. 159, 154706 (2023) |
2023 | Philipp, J., Dabkowska, A., Reiser, A., Frank, K., Krzysztoń, R., Brummer, Ch., Nickel, B., Blanchet, C.E., Sudarsan, A., Mohd, I., Johansson, S., Skantze, P., Skantze, U., Östman, S., Johansson, M., Henderson, N., Elvevold, K., Smedsrød, B., Schwierz, N., Lindfors, L., Rädler, J.O. pH-dependent structural transitions in cationic ionizable lipid mesophases are critical for lipid nanoparticle function Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120, no. 50 (2023): e2310491120 |
2019 | Nimmi, D.A, Begam, N., Mohd, I., Chandran, S., Padmanabhan, V., Sprung, M., Basud M.J.K. Viscosity and fragility of confined polymer nanocomposites: a tale of two interfaces Nanoscale, 2019,11, 8546-8553 |
2018 | Begam, N., Das A, N., Chandran, S., Mohd, I., Padmanabhan, V., Sprung, M., Basu, J.K. Nanoparticle–polymer interfacial layer properties tune fragility and dynamic heterogeneity of athermal polymer nanocomposite films Soft Matter, 2018,14, 8853-8859 |
2018 | Mohd, I., Begam, N., Padmanabhanb, V., Basu, J. K. Correlation between grafted nanoparticle–matrix polymer interface wettability and slip in polymer nanocomposites Soft Matter, 2018,14, 6076-6082 |