Publications PD Dr. Eva M. Huber
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* equal contribution
# correspondence
[33] Huber E. M., Kreling L., Heinrich A. K., Dünnebacke M., Pöthig A., Bode H.B., Groll M.
A set of closely related methyltransferases for site-specific tailoring of anthraquinone pigments
Structure, 31, 573-83, PDF
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[32] Huber, E. M.#
Epipolythiodioxopiperazine-based natural products: building blocks, biosynthesis and biological activities
ChemBioChem, 2022, doi:10.1002/cbic.202200341 PDF
Part of the ChemBioTalents collection
[31] Huber, E. M.*, Hortschansky, P.*, Scheven, M. T., Misslinger, M., Haas, H., Brakhage, A. A., Groll, M.
Structural insights into cooperative DNA recognition by the CCAAT-binding complex and its bZIP transcription factor HapX
Structure, 2022, 30 (7), 934-946 PDF
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[30] Huber, E. M. # and Groll, M. #
A Nut for Every Bolt: Subunit-Selective Inhibitors of the Immunoproteasome and Their Therapeutic Potential
Cells, 2021, 10 (8), 1929, 1-22 PDF
[29] Scherlach, K., Kuttenlochner, W., Scharf, D. H., Brakhage, A. A., Hertweck, C., Groll, M., Huber, E. M.#
Structural and mechanistic insights into C-S bond formation in gliotoxin
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2021, 60 (25), 14188-14194 PDF
[28] Hortschansky, P., Misslinger, M., Mörl, Y., Gsaller, F., Bromley, M. J., Brakhage, A. A., Groll, M., Haas, H., Huber, E. M.#
Structural basis of HapEP88L-linked antifungal triazole resistance in Aspergillus fumigatus
Life Sci. Alliance, 2020, 3 (7), e202000729, 1-12 PDF
[27] Schmidtke, G., Schregle, R., Alvarez, G., Huber, E. M., Groettrup, M. (2019)
The 20S immunoproteasome and constitutive proteasome bind with the same affinity to PA28αβ and equally degrade FAT10
Mol. Immunol., 2019, 113, 22-30 PDF
[26] Schopf, F. H., Huber, E. M., Dodt, C., Lopez, A., Biebl, M. M., Rutz, D. A., Mühlhofer, M., Richter, G., Madl, T., Sattler, M., Groll, M., Buchner, J. (2019)
The co-chaperone Cns1 and the recruiter protein Hgh1 link Hsp90 to translation elongation via chaperoning elongation factor 2
Mol. Cell, 2019, 74 (1), 73-87 PDF
[25] Xin, B.-T.*, Huber, E. M.*, de Bruin, G., Heinemeyer, W., Maurits, E., Espinal, C., Du, Y., Jansen, M., Weyburne, E. S., Kisselev, A. F., Florea, B. I., Driessen, C., van der Marel, G. A., Groll, M. and Overkleeft, H. S. (2019)
Structure-based design of inhibitors selective for human proteasome β2c or β2i subunits
J. Med. Chem., 2019, 62 (3), 1626-42 PDF
[24] Ecker, F. #, Haas, H., Groll, M., Huber, E. M.#
Iron scavenging in Aspergillus species: Structural and biochemical insights into fungal siderophore esterases
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2018, 57 (44), 14624-9 PDF
[23] Treise, I.*, Huber, E. M.*, Klein-Rodewald, T., Heinemeyer, W., Grassmann, S. A., Basler, M., Adler, T., Rathkolb, B., Helming, L., Andres, C., Klaften, M., Landbrecht, C., Wieland, T., Strom, T. M., McCoy, K. D., Macpherson, A. J., Wolf, E., Groettrup, M., Ollert, M., Neff, F., Gailus-Durner, V., Fuchs, H., Hrabě de Angelis, M., Groll, M., Busch, D. H.
Defective immuno- and thymoproteasome assembly causes severe immunodeficiency
Scientific Reports, 2018, 8 (1), 5975, 1-18 PDF
[22] Huber, E. M. # and Groll, M.#
The mammalian proteasome activator PA28 forms an asymmetric α4β3 complex
Structure, 2017, 25 (10), 1473-1480 PDF
[21] Marion, A., Groll, M., Scharf, D. H., Scherlach, K., Glaser, M., Sievers, H., Schuster, M., Hertweck, C., Brakhage, A. A., Antes, I., # Huber, E. M. #
Gliotoxin biosynthesis: Structure, mechanism and metal promiscuity of carboxypeptidase GliJ
ACS Chem. Biol., 2017, 12 (7), 1874-1882 PDF
[20] Cui, H., Baur, R., Le Chapelain, C., Dubiella, C., Heinemeyer, W., Huber, E. M., Groll, M.
Structural elucidation of a non-peptidic inhibitor specific for the human immunoproteasome
ChemBioChem., 2017, 18 (6), 523-6 PDF
[19] Hortschansky, P., Haas, H., Huber, E. M., Groll, M., Brakhage, A. A.
The CCAAT-binding complex (CBC) in Aspergillus species
Biochim. Biophys. Acta., 2017, 1860 (5), 560-70 PDF
[18] Huber, E. M.*, Heinemeyer, W.*, de Bruin, G., Overkleeft, H. S., Groll, M.
A humanized yeast proteasome identifies unique binding modes of inhibitors for the immunosubunit β5i
EMBO J., 2016, 35 (23), 2602-13 PDF
Featured on the cover
[17] Xin, B.-T., de Bruin, G., Huber, E. M., Andrej, B., Florea, B. I., Filippov, D. V., van der Marel, G. A., Kisselev, A. F., van der Stelt, M., Driessen, C., Groll, M., Overkleeft, H.S.
Structure-based design of β5c selective inhibitors of human constitutive proteasomes
J. Med. Chem., 2016, 59 (15), 7177-87 PDF
[16] Huber, E. M.#, Heinemeyer, W., Li, X., Arendt, C. S., Hochstrasser, M., Groll, M.#
A unified mechanism for proteolysis and autocatalytic activation in the 20S proteasome
Nat. Commun., 2016, 7 (10900), 1-10 PDF
[15] Duell, E. R., Glaser, M., Le Chapelain, C., Antes, I., Groll, M., Huber, E. M.#
Sequential inactivation of gliotoxin by the S-methyltransferase TmtA
ACS Chem. Biol., 2016, 11 (4), 1082–9 PDF
[14] Dubiella, C., Baur, R., Cui, H., Huber, E. M., Groll, M.
Selective inhibition of the immunoproteasome by structure-based targeting of a non-catalytic cysteine
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2015, 54 (52), 15888-9 PDF
[13] Huber, E. M.*, de Bruin, G.*, Heinemeyer, W., Paniagua Soriano, G., Overkleeft, H. S., Groll M.
Systematic analyses of substrate preferences of 20S proteasomes using peptidic epoxyketone inhibitors
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2015, 137 (24), 7835-42 PDF
[12] Groll, M., Korotkov, V. S., Huber, E. M., de Meijere, A., Ludwig, A.
A minimal β-lactone fragment for selective β5c or β5i proteasome inhibitors
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2015, 54 (27), 7810-4 PDF
[11] Huber, E. M.#, Heinemeyer, W., Groll, M.#
Bortezomib-resistant mutant proteasomes: structural and biochemical evaluation with carfilzomib and ONX 0914
Structure, 2015, 23 (2), 407–17 PDF
[10] de Bruin, G.*, Huber, E. M.*, Xin, B.-T., van Rooden, E. J., Al-Ayed, K., Kim, K.-B., Kisselev, A. F., Driessen, C., van der Stelt, M., van der Marel, G. A., Groll, M., Overkleeft, H. S.
Structure-based design of β1i or β5i specific inhibitors of human immunoproteasomes
J. Med. Chem., 2014, 57 (14), 6197−209 PDF
[9] Scharf, D. H., Groll, M., Habel, A., Heinekamp, T., Hertweck, C., Brakhage, A. A., Huber, E. M.#
Flavoenzyme-catalyzed disulfide bridge formation in natural products
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2014, 53 (8), 2221–4 PDF
[8] Huber, E. M., Groll, M.
Proteasominhibitoren – von der Grundlagenforschung in die Klinik
BIOspektrum, 2013, 7, 730-2 PDF
[7] Huber, E. M.
Structural and functional characterization of the immunoproteasome
Springer Theses, Recognizing Outstanding Ph.D. Research, 2013, ISBN: 978-3-319-01555
[6] Huber, E. M.*, Scharf, D. H.*, Hortschansky, P., Groll, M., Brakhage, A. A.
DNA minor groove sensing and widening by the CCAAT-binding complex
Structure, 2012, 20 (10), 1757-68 PDF
[5] Huber, E. M.# and Groll, M.#
Inhibitors for the immuno- and constitutive proteasome: current and future trends in drug development
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2012, 51 (35), 8708-20 PDF
[4] Huber, E. M. and Groll, M.
Kristallstruktur eines molekularen Schredders
GIT Labor-Fachzeitschrift, 2012, 5, 363-5 PDF
[3] Huber, E. M. and Groll, M.
The 19S cap puzzle: A new jigsaw piece
Structure, 2012, 20 (3), 387-8 PDF
[2] Huber, E. M.*, Basler, M.*, Schwab, R.*, Heinemeyer, W., Kirk, C. J., Groettrup, M., Groll, M.
Immuno- and constitutive proteasome crystal structures reveal differences in substrate and inhibitor specificity
Cell, 2012, 148 (4), 727-38 PDF
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[1] Wünschmann, J., Krajewski, M., Letzel, T., Huber, E. M., Ehrmann, A., Grill, E., Lendzian, K. J.
Dissection of glutathione conjugate turnover in yeast
Phytochemistry, 2010, 71 (1), 54-61 PDF